Wednesday, 5 August 2015

After a gap of a few years I have been able to return to this activity and to write in my first "post" within the format that google kindly allows.
What had happened was that my old gmail address was "phished" and in unscrambling that fiasco I lost my old gmail address (curiously almost morphed into a bogus 'self'). The system refused to recognise me as me,  nor my new gmail address as emerging from the previous and continuing me, so I withdrew from the fray.
I now have the calm advice of my battle hardened son and have "recreated" the thing I refuse to call a blog as I explained in my first "post" for the old vehicle "dengls for fun" where I reported that a dengl is a piece of baDENGLish in the same degree of elegance exhibited by the drearily titled "blog" which is a weBLOG ...
I am not sure but I think that what I am being is termed "rebarbative". I will have to check with a friend. I think I have an abdominal ache which comes more readily to mind evoked by the term "rebarbative" which sounds either like a medicine or the condition which prompts its use.
Now, the great goog in the sky refused me licence to use the phrase I had used for a few score dengls a few years ago (some of which can even be summoned up by the genie in the brass jar by entering their titles in a weBSEARCH),
(it's still there)  
so I fall back on the similar term denglsagain.
After this initial piece of nonsense I hope to have something more substantive to say in due course.

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